Tailoring User Roles and Permissions in Hajiri

Written by Lakshay Gautam
Updated over a week ago

Hajiri features a robust framework for user roles and permissions, allowing for precise control over access levels within the platform. These pre-defined roles are designed to cater to various organizational structures and requirements:

  1. Admin: Highest level of access, capable of managing all aspects of Hajiri.
  2. User: Basic access, primarily for attendance and personal data management.
  3. Manager: Supervisory access, focused on team management and oversight

Customizing Roles for Your Organization

Hajiri offers the flexibility to add and customize roles to align with your organization's specific needs.

Assigning and Updating Roles

Assigning a Role: Navigate to the "Assign Role to User" option within the user profile settings. Here, you can select the appropriate role for each user, ensuring that access levels are accurately matched to their responsibilities.
Management Dashboard: The dashboard's "User and Role Management" section displays all assigned roles. This centralized view makes it easy to add new roles or update the roles of existing users to reflect changes in their job functions or your organization’s structure.
By utilizing these capabilities, you ensure that data access and control within Hajiri are meticulously managed, enhancing security and operational efficiency..

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